Since 1995, Dr. Scott Yamaoka, Elsa Enkerlin, and family have been going to IPODERAC to care for the oral health needs of the kids and staff at IPODERAC. Originally working from one dental chair, the mobile clinic has grown to four chairs.
Dr. Yamaoka shared “We have been so impressed through the years to see how responsible the kids have become with their dental care. The first time they see us they usually need a lot of work. In each follow up visit there is always a sense of pride if no cavities are found. In addition, many kids that have left IPODERAC come back with their families, they have learned how important oral health is for overall health and self esteem.
This year we were so grateful to have been joined by Dr. Charles Park, Dr. Marina Yeji, Soleil Kerfoot, and Anna Yamaoka.
We are so fortunate to work with ICF to get supplies and equipment. Thank you for the support ICF."

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